Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Love Dare

I just finished reading the book Fireproof and watching the associated movie (the latest production from Kendrick brothers of Facing the Giants). If you have not seen it then i would highly recommend them both more so the book (books are always better than the movie).

The gist of the story is about a marriage that is heading for divorce and in an attempt to help his son and daughter-in-law reconcile the husbands father gives him a book called the Love Dare. (There is an actual book published called the Love Dare from the movie producers). Anywho the book is a 40 day challenge to show your spouse love. Day 1 begins with the challenge to not saying anything unkind (if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all) and each day continues with another task to show love. I wont spoil the ending for you just in case you have not seen it.

The really neat part is that it got me thinking about how much love do i show my husband. It just seems that those we love the most and are privy to our real self are also those we mistreat the most. I so easily take for granted the awesome man of God that my heavenly Father created me for. We are selfish my nature and often begin just focusing on what our spouse is not doing instead of focusing on serving them. Often times our desire to serve one another is based on how we feel and whether or not they deserve it. The reality is that none of us deserve love, none of us are worthy enough or righteousness enough... love is a gift given by an act of the will by our heavenly father as shown through the cross.

One of my favorite lines of the movie is that we can not let our hearts lead us but we need to lead our hearts. I have decided to take up my own love dare. I am not privy to run out to Barnes and Nobles and purchase the real book or hop online and have it sent to my house (which kinda bummed me out)... but then God spoke to my heart and said "clea, you don't need some book to figure out how to show love to those you claim to love, just sit down with me." So that is my plan to have a brain storm session with the one who IS love and come up with ways to show both isaac and my mom love.

I know for some of you more romantic types it may seem too structured but the thing that i have found in my very few years of marriage is that love really is more a thing of the will then the heart so having a plan is not a bad thing. it takes some work to actually put your love into action at least for this overly logically, highly selfish, engineer and mother of 4.

My prayer is that today you also would take a moment to show those you care for the most your love for them by your works... and i double dog dare you to make your own love dare...

James 2:22 "You see that his faith (love) and his actions were working together, and his faith (love) was made complete by what he did." (refocus my me)


Kahlua Keeping Koala said...

You are still da bomb! Way to go Clea! Course I'm not up for a double dog dare, but I can show some love!

Kahlua Keeping Koala said...

PS. I know you don't like it, but I like it when your man is gone cause then I hear from you!

Unknown said...

You are SOOOO right that it is an act of the will! Our hearts can be decietful. I think we go thru dry spells in our love for those closest to us (like in our walk with Him) and we have to "choose" to show love even when we don't "feel" like it. I am not so creative so I might get the book! LOL! Hope everything is going well for you guys! we miss y'all & love you!

allhisblessings said...

Yes!! Awesome Clea. I, too, recommend the movie/book. It is so true that we tend to treat strangers with more respect/love/deference than those closest to us. We all need an adjustment once in a while... {hand raised}

Laura said...

Right on Sister-Friend. And, when you hang in there and show love even when you don't want to, the Lord blesses you and flows through you and makes that love grow for both of you.